Covid-19 Update
28th June 2020
You will all be aware by now that the UK government recently announced the re-opening of pubs in England on 4th July.
As we are based just over the border, in Wales, this announcement does not apply to us and we are yet to hear from the Welsh Government details of when we might be able to re-open and how we will do that safely.
As soon as we have that information we will send out a further update.
For now, we will carry on trading as we have been, offering takeaway food and drink except for Sunday 5th July, when we will not be serving Sunday Lunch. All other takeaway food and drink services will go ahead as usual. These services are:-
- Tuesday: Freshly Baked Bread
- Wednesday: Fish & Chips
- Friday: Deli Boards
- Sunday: Sunday Lunch (except 5th July)
If you would like to book in for any of these takeaways please give us a call on 01981 240 646.
We want also to reassure you that, when this is all over, we will still be here. We have been able to continue trading due to a few factors including financial assistance from the government as well as some sheer good luck.
First and foremost, though, our continuation has been down to your generosity and loyal support. You have overwhelmed us with your continuous kindness over the past few months and we feel so proud to be part of such a benevolent community.
We would like to thank Margie and Cory who have stepped in to help us keep going despite the current situation and who have made things so much easier throughout on both a practical and emotional level.
Thank you to our suppliers too, for who we know this has not been an easy time also. Our neighbours, Will & Kasia at The Bridge Inn have also been fantastic – reminding their community that we are still closed while they re-open and sustaining us with delicious takeaways throughout lockdown.
If you have any questions about the current situation or how you can continue to support us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via email at or by telephone on 01981 240 646.
Thank you all,
Chloe, Jim & family.